Event Organisers Network (EONSA)
Telephone: +27 11 781 4800

Privacy Policy


Data shared by Google

Before you decide whether to give access to your Google Account, we’ll help you understand what data the third party has requested.

You’ll be able to review:

  • The Google products or data the third party has requested access to.
  • The level of data access the third party will have and what actions it will be able to take.

You can decide if you want to allow or block the third party from accessing data it requested in your Google Account. If a third party wants to access different types of data or services in your Google Account, you’ll receive a separate request to review.

Data shared by the third party

When you give a third party access to your Google Account, Google does not receive access to your account on the third-party app or service.

However, there may be times when you choose to give Google permission to access certain data in the third-party account.